Landlaw Legal Publishers focuses on specialized areas of Massachusetts law. Founded in 1987, the firm offers publications in the areas of civil rights, civil service, environmental protection, labor relations, land use, special education, zoning, and more.
We publish seven administrative and case-law reporters from Massachusetts trial courts and state agencies,
Boston Zoning Alert, our comprehensive update service for the Boston Zoning Code, and
Massachusetts Police Chief's Reports Online, a must-have resource for local and state police officials, public safety personnel, sheriffs, municipal attorneys, and others who require timely, accurate information on police-related matters in Massachusetts. Landlaw Legal Publishers offers expert commentary from
Massachusetts attorneys, decisions, and subject matter indices critical to professionals who need the latest developments and analysis of Massachusetts law.
Our publications are available in paper format with free and unlimited access to our searchable online case database. We also offer stand alone online subscriptions to our cases.
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