Massachusetts Police and Fire Chiefs' Reports Online

Massachusetts Police and Fire Chiefs' Reports Online
MCAD - the Massachusetts Commission Against DiscriminationMassachusetts Police and Fire Chiefs' Reports Online is a must-have resource for local and state police officials, fire departments, public safety personnel, sheriffs, municipal attorneys, and others who require timely, accurate information on police and fire-related matters in Massachusetts. This bimonthly digital supplement to the Massachusetts Civil Service Reporter began in 2016 as a police-specific publication, and has now expanded to include on bypass appeals and disciplinary actions that impact both police and fire departments.
You will save countless hours, significant expense, and potential embarrassment with this useful research tool. Plus, remain up-to-date on all the latest happenings thanks to our entertaining, editorialized police and fire newsletter—News Highlights. A subscription includes:
Editor's Tip: you may be interested in the full version of the Massachusetts Civil Service Reporter, which includes all matters decided before the Commission, including correction-related appeals.
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